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Ndu Okechukwu Edward better known as Moonout360 is an independent music producer ,singer, songwriter and a free lance novelist based in Germany.He first became involved with music in his late twenties after graduating from a state university in Nigeria(Imo state university Owerri)as a bachelor of arts degree holder in philosophy before migrating to united kingdom (London)in search of a greener pasture in 2003.Things were not so satisfactory for him in realising his dream of becoming a musician so in 2004 he relocated to Germany and created his first music band under the name Bossoverdoes. The band was short lived due to some financial problems.After couple of years free lancing jobs in Germany, he managed to set up another band but this time a solo band under the name Moonout, in 2019, though he released few singles with a well established American music distributors known as Tunecore, he once again decided to upgrade the name to Moonout360 in 2021 and released a 14 track album with CD BABY a branch of DIY music distribution.His latest single titled "Glow",released on 01.09.2021 is currently distributed by Tunecore and is available in every online streaming platforms.

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